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Client enjoying an activity

Lakes Homes Mission:
To Enhance Human Worth and Potential


A caring staff unified around a set of basic principles.

"Unified Principles"

Those We Serve Come First

Advocacy and meeting the needs of the people we serve are our primary concerns.  Their growth, health, welfare and safety are the first considerations in every decision.  Their needs must be responded to promptly in a positive, whole-life, goal oriented approach.


Commit to Excellence

Our standard of performance is excellence.  Those we serve depend on us to individually and collectively provide them with the highest degree of excellence in our services.  It is their right to expect excellence and it is our responsibility to deliver it.


Be Dedicated

Believe in what you are doing.  Engaging people, welcoming them to join into the fun.  Focusing on way’s to make another person’s day more pleasant.  We will accomplish our mission through common sense, hard work, fun and dedication.


Employee Satisfaction

Selecting quality staff, providing them with quality training and supervision in a productive and respectful atmosphere is imperative.


Communicate Effectively

Commit to listening to others.  Focus on the issues at hand.  Seek solutions that are acceptable to all parties.  Be willing to negotiate, yet do not compromise these Unifying Principles.


Be Innovative

Look for new and better ways of doing things while building on what we have already accomplished.


We believe in the individualization principle whereby the uniqueness of each person is recognized, strengths and weaknesses are determined, and a program developed specifically to meet each individual’s own particular needs.


We believe in the developmental process that every individual who is developmentally disabled should be approached with the positive expectation that he or she has the potential to grow, to learn and to develop.


We believe that an individual with developmental disabilities has the same constitutional rights as any other person including the rights to home-like environment in a community as a whole.


Client cooking dinner

The goals of Lakes Homes & Program Development, Inc., are to give each individual needing residential, respite, and/or supportive services a living environment and a habilitative program which will foster those human qualities of emotional security, self-improvement and independence, and mental, physical, and spiritual health which are essential to stimulate maximum growth and development.


Our ultimate goal is to offer each individual an opportunity to develop his or her fullest potential in a person centered environment.


We wish to provide a system of services that includes training, counseling, instruction, support and assistance provided in accordance with the individual's program plan.


Services may include assistance in budgeting, meal preparations, shopping, personal appearance, counseling and related social support services needed to maintain and improve the individual’s functioning in their community.

Client sitting on a bench after a hike


Two people chatting with each other
Staff intervention

We, at Lakes Homes & Program Development, Inc., believe in providing active treatment, which means provisions must be made for service, interactions and environments that give the individual the best chance possible for achieving an independent active role in society.  Continuous active treatment is the on-going flow of interventions by staff to take advantage of every learning opportunity.  The Focus Should Be On The Clients' needs and desires.  The benefits of continuous active treatment include a greater sense of control, greater sense of value as individuals, greater opportunities to grow, learn and interact, and to achieve greater independence.


Lakes Homes prides itself in making community involvement a priority.


Lakes Homes & Program Development, Inc., provides the following services:

1. Community Residential Setting (CRS) with Supportive Living Services (SLS).

These programs are licensed as Community Residential Settings by the Minnesota Department of Human Services in the county where they are located for not greater than four (4) individuals per home.  Lakes Homes currently operates CRS programs in Becker, Otter Tail and Mahnomen counties.  Each program is licensed as Supportive Living Services - Waivered through the Minnesota Department of Human Services to serve adults with developmental disabilities.




2. Community Residential Setting (CRS) for Serious and Persitant Mental Health Services.

This Program, outside of Detroit Lakes, serves four (4) adults with serious and persistent Mental Health needs.  -Waivered through the Minnesota Department of Human Services.




3. Respite Care

We operate a respite care program within a licensed program.  Lakes Homes recognizes that a family with a member with a disability can experience stress and need to take care of themselves outside of a care giving roll.  Respite care which can be defined as temporary care and supervision for a person with a disability, can reduce the stress a family feels because of an emergency, a trip, or needing a few days relief from their routine; as well as providing the individual an opportunity to change their own routine, build relationships outside the family, or mingle with their peers for recreational purposes.  We will help families meet the needs for respite care whenever posible.

West House with a beautiful flower bed
Summit house with a large porch
Lakes Homes House

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